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Downloading and installing Geltbox

Windows Smartscreen is blocking the download, why and what to do?

You may see a Windows Samrtscreen message for new software or an old one that has renewed its trust certificate, as is the case for Geltbox Money every few years. Geltbox Money was launched in 2016 and installed by many users around the world.

Following is an example of how to install Geltbox. (May vary depending on which browser and Windows version you have).

My antivirus is blocking Geltbox installer, why and what to do?

Geltbox is trusted by most common antiviruses as it has built trust over the years. Yet, some antivirus software may not yet have enought data and might warn about it. Normally if the installer or any Geltbox file is blocked you can undo this from your antivirus control panel under qurentined items or similar tab.